Saturday, September 13, 2008

Before / After - Makeover!

Living room BEFORE!  Pre-hardwood refinishing;
old baseboard color

Living Room - AFTER!

Living Room - After!

Dining area - BEFORE
before hardwoods got refinished; with the old windows
and old baseboard color

Dining Area - AFTER! 

Dining area - AFTER; new windows.  Blinds on order.  The bar chairs were 
purchased at a garage sale! 

Dining area - AFTER

Bedroom - BEFORE! 
Only one window opened; and it cranked open only
on one side.  They were single-paned!
Bedroom - old popcorn ceilings which were removed;
old lighting fixture (ceiling fan is in it's place)
Bedroom - AFTER!  Double-paned windows.
Let the sun shine....

Front screen door - BEFORE; it did
not have a secure locking feature and the
screen mesh was broken

New metal screen front door


Office Windows and Living Room Windows before and after (look at that photo of the old deck!) Old Photos on top, followed by new photo below.

Office -- before!

Office - after!

Bathroom - before!

Bathroom - after!

Laundry room - before!

Laundry room - after!  Drainage issues repaired!