Monday, July 28, 2008

Progress is being made!

I spent a night in the Yosemite area for some R & R, it was great.  The house is mostly painted and the hardwoods are being refinished this week.  

Please continue on for OLDER POSTS


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Repairs underway - E.T. Phone Home

BEFORE -- exposed pipes in bedroom closet; came
with the house purchase...lovely!

AFTER -- a seamless finish!

sheetrocked ceiling (post asbestos removal)

hardwood refinishing/sanding in the living room

making a hole in the ceiling for a ceiling fan
creates a mess!

BEFORE (living room)




asbestos removal of the popcorn ceilings

asbestos removal of the popcorn ceilings

Well, I managed to enjoy seeing family on the east coast while the repairs took a hiatus.  The ceiling asbestos has been scraped.  The place looked like a scene from the movie, E.T. (see above).  They left the plastic up which was helpful during the installation of sheetrock plus fresh paint.  It is  a fun process, I'm thankful I have the summer to do the work and if I didn't have a light workload over the summer, then it wouldn't be such a fun process.  The hardwoods will be refinished and then the deck project will commence.  There is so much loose decking that I've stuck "caution" yellow tape in between the floor boards on the trickier pieces.  I got a good workout raking the leaves today (I have two avocado trees (no avocados yet)).   Onward! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The "Before" Photos! It's time to make the house a home!

I am working on the house, so these are a sort of the  "before" shots.

I'm removing popcorn ceilings, refinishing hardwoods, purchasing
hardwood for the second bedroom/office, getting updated lighting
fixtures, moving stuff around in the kitchy kitchen/considering
purchasing smaller appliances, getting a sink vanity, repairing the 
deck/installing TREX, getting wooden blinds, etcetera, etcetera!

Pretty plantings in the backyard

The deck will get repairs plus a face lift
(hey if it's already in surgery . . . )

sunny bedroom

living room

pass the popcorn (ceilings) bedroom

poor decking



bedroom  -- window is shut
tight . . . 


2nd bedroom/office

Stylish light fixture has to go!

blue toilet - be gone!  Wave your
magic wand over it and poof!  It 
shall be white!



2nd bedroom/office  SUNNY!

2nd bedroom/office

2nd bedroom/office


Entry Hallway

living room

dining room area

kitchy kitch


dining room area (pre-hardwood refinish)

living room (pre-hardwood refinish)

living room

built in bookcasing in the living room
living room is sunny (pre-hardwood refinish)